Pakistan Investors ForumPakistan Investors ForumPakistan Investors Forum


Let's Make Pakistan Great
Pakistan Investors ForumPakistan Investors ForumPakistan Investors Forum

Welcome to Pakistan Investors Forum Empowering investors with knowledge,
connections, and opportunities for a
brighter future

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Executive Body

Our executive body is committed to guiding you through every step of your investment journey. With expertise in finance, market analysis, and strategic planning, we ensure that you receive tailored advice and solutions to achieve your financial goals. Let us help you make smarter decisions and unlock new opportunities for growth.

Ahmed Farooq Ambassador of Pakistan
Ambassador of Pakistan in Saudi Arabia

Mr. Ahmad Farooq

Pakistan Investors Forum, KSA is a remarkable initiative that reflects the strong partnership between Pakistan and Saudi Arabia. It is a privilege to support this platform, which is driving efforts to create new economic opportunities and strengthen bilateral trade and investment ties.
General Counsel Pakistan Investor Forum
Consul General of Pakistan in Saudi Arabia

Mr. Khalid Majid

Pakistan Investors Forum, KSA serves as a vital bridge between the business communities of Pakistan and Saudi Arabia. It is my firm belief that this platform has the potential to unlock significant opportunities and foster a deeper economic partnership between our nations.
Ch Shafqat Mehmood
President of Pakistan Investors Forum in Saudi Arabia

Mr. Ch Shafqat Mahmood

Pakistan and Saudi Arabia established relations in 1947, when Pakistan became independent from British rule. Relations have been historically close and friendly, frequently described by analysts as constituting a special relationship. We should also be admiring the Saudi system, which gave them a safe and conducive environment and development of their business. I hope these efforts will go a long way in the development of Pakistan.

We're thankful to the Saudi government for adopting visionary policy for businessmen.
Ms. Sadia Khan
Commercial Consular of Pakistan in Saudi Arabia

Ms. Sadia Khan

Pakistan Investors Forum, KSA is paving the way for stronger economic ties and mutual growth between Pakistan and Saudi Arabia. I am honored to collaborate with this platform to promote trade opportunities, enhance business relationships, and highlight Pakistan’s dynamic investment potential.

Our awesome services

We are committed to empowering investors with the knowledge, tools, and opportunities they need to make informed financial decisions. Our wide range of services is designed to support both new and experienced investors in achieving their goals.

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We’re here to help! Whether you have questions, need guidance, or want to learn more about our services, feel free to reach out to us. Our team is ready to assist you

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    Smart & Great Solutions

    At Pakistan Investors Forum, we believe in offering smart and great solutions to empower investors and entrepreneurs. Our innovative approach combines cutting-edge insights, personalized strategies, and expert guidance to help you achieve your financial goals efficiently and effectively.

    Office address

    8855 Al Amir Majid- Al Aziziyah Dist. Unit No 999 Jeddah 23342 - 2094 Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

    Telephone number

    02-671 6910

    Mail address

    At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio digni goikussimos ducimus qui to bonfo blanditiis praese. Ntium voluum deleniti atque.

    Melbourne, Australia
    (Sat - Thursday)
    (10am - 05 pm)
    Melbourne, Australia
    (Sat - Thursday)
    (10am - 05 pm)
    Melbourne, Australia
    (Sat - Thursday)
    (10am - 05 pm)